Anneli Xie

#RRCrossingBorders: New Ways of Play – Innovating with Phlay

An interactive media technology that changes how we act, think, and feel about branded content, Phlay engages audiences in an innovative way. During this week’s episode of Recap & Rewind, we revisit Mario Amura – Phlay’s Founder’s – presentation.

Phlay is an interactive media platform that invites passive viewers to become co-creators.

With Phlay, people can create their own unique version of branded video content and are invited to release their own storylines through rhythmic-visual performativity.


Through clicking on touch-screen buttons on your phone or by pushing arrows on your laptop keyboard.

A little confusing, still?

We’ll let you try it out for yourself.

In the latest Phlay, viewers are invited to create their own video using content from the Balenciaga SS 2021 Collection. To try it, please visit this link.

* Press START and click on the keys PREV LOOK or NEXT LOOK to the rhythm of the music to create your unique version of the Balenciaga SS 2021 Collection.
* Share your performance in your social channels by clicking the SHARE button.
By using totems, Phlay allows physical users make interactive content by touch screens that are accessible to a new generation of co-creators. Image: Phlay.

We were fortunate enough to have Mario Amura with us during our annual event, Crossing Borders, in which Amura spoke about the exciting opportunities for Phlay and how it may innovate and revolutionize the way we consume branded content; something that is growing to be ever-more important in a world of social media.

Let me introduce the future of the Cultural Industries from our perspective,” Amura begins. "The new generation, as well as passive viewers, are content creators."

"Video material that can only be viewed is no longer appealing for a target group that wishes to interact, co-create, and share.”

The future is in interactive content. 

“Imagine something in design that is similar to the 80s arcade games, in which physical and digital visitors can explore images and have fun by creating new and personal content by remixing live, real-time, film scenes; […] a post-modern homage to cinema," Amura says.

Watch Mario Amura's full presentation below, as showed during our annual event, Crossing Borders, on May 19th, 2021.


Cover photo via Phlay.


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