Anneli Xie

NEST is challenging the textile industry – are you in?

The textile and fashion industry has one of the biggest climate footprints today. Do you have an idea that could make the textile and fashion industry more sustainable? NEST wants to hear all about it.

Let's challenge the industry.

NEST – New Entrepreneurship for a Sustainable Textile Industry is an initiative launched by xPlot, Borås INK, eXpression Umeå, and Sting, as well as a call to change the fashion industry for the better.
Are you in?

Very soon the application for NEST will open, with a mission of fueling creative and innovative ideas of sustainable thinking in all industries connected to fashion. It's time to think beyond clothing and home textiles. Textile surrounds us at all times. When you're asleep in bed, when you travel in a vehicle, when you pursue your hobbies.

To fully change the textile industry, we require new solutions in transportation, logistics, and other related industries that contribute to the textile production chain.

What is needed:

From The Future at nestsweden.com

Do you have an idea that could make the textile industry more sustainable? We want to hear all about it.

What’s in it for you?

For starters, you’re contributing to a more sustainable fashion and textile sector and get to work with industry experts to do so. Your start-up will go through an acceleration process, enter into a cross-sectorial network with partners in backgrounds ranging from tech to the CCSI, and get ample of opportunities for financing. A SEK 75,000 TEKO scholarship and the opportunity to receive up to SEK 300,000 in case of incubation, are also on the table.

This is how it works - The NEST Process

1. The call for applications opens in early 2022 and remains open for four weeks. You fill in an application and the NEST jury, consisting of business developers and industry experts, makes a first selection of start-ups that go through to step 2 – the Catapult phase.

2. In this phase – the Catapult phase – startups receive business development support in order to further develop their idea. The goal is to identify focus areas for development and any capital needs to ensure feasibility. In May 2022, a boot camp is arranged and start-ups receive support from business coaches and experts in order to complete the project plan before the final pitch.

3. A digital pitch is held before a jury of experts in the textile and fashion industry. All startups are assessed according to a preset criteria. The winners enter into an incubation process together with the most suitable business developer for each company.

4. Incubation deluxe; all four partners participate in a joint effort to contribute to the growth of the adopted companies. In addition to access to our networks and well-proven processes, there is an opportunity for SEK 300,000 and the chance to win a scholarship from TEKO.

As incubators, we have a great habit of aiding and developing start-ups – all the way from ideation to market establishment. We also know that cross-industrial solutions are required in order to succeed in the necessary transformation of the textile industry; which is why we have chosen to join forces in our mission.

Now we need entrepreneurs with sustainable and innovative ideas. Join us!
NEST – New Entrepreneurship for a Sustainable Textile Industry is an initiative by xPlot, Borås INK, eXpression Umeå, and Sting, as well as a call to change the fashion industry for the better. 
Read more about NEST on the NEST website: https://nestsweden.com.


MIMIK vinnare av NEST-pitchtävling och TEKOs stipendium

Vinnare av NEST-pitchtävling och TEKOs stipendium på 75.000:- blev startupbolaget MIMIK som genom användargenererade digitala kloner, låter kunder prova kläder i endigital miljö på ett lustfyllt sätt och på så vis bidra till mer hållbar konsumtion, minskade returer och ökade vinstmarginaler.

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Lars Mattiasson

Framtidens Mode designer

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Lars Mattiasson

‍Skapa en hållbar textil-& modeindustri. Anmäl dig till NEST!

Textil- och modeindustrin står inför stora utmaningar och måste gå från överproduktion till en mer hållbar, on-demand baserad produktion och cirkulära affärsmodeller. För att möta dessa utmaningar och driva branschen mot en hållbar framtid, öppnar NEST (New Entrepreneurship for a Sustainable Textile industry) upp för ansökningar till 2024 års bootcamp. Programmet är öppet för entreprenörer som vill bidra till denna förändring i textil- och modebranschen.

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Anneli Xie

Missa inte Smarts Stora Kunskapsdag – för kreatörer!

Den 15 mars kommer vara fullproppad med inspiration och information för dig som är kultur- och konstskapare. Här finns idéer kring att skapa projekt, hitta finansiering, europeiska samarbeten och digitalisering – missa inte Smarts Stora Kunskapsdag!

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Livepodd 15/2: Fashion Transformation - Digitalt mode & gaming

Den 15 februari kl. 11:30–12:15 sänder vi live från xPlot i Lund för en paneldiskussion om de spännande och framväxande möjligheterna inom digitalt mode och gaming – och hur detta kan hjälpa modebranschen att ställa om. Anmäl dig här!

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Slow vs. Fast: Framtidens textilproduktion

Förra veckan höll NEST ett spännande panelsamtal om framtidens textilproduktion. Slow vs. fast fashion: hur ser framtidens textilproduktion ut? Vad är egentligen hållbart? Se samtalet här!

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Anneli Xie

Nu kan du söka till NEST 2023!

Den 7 december kickar vi igång NEST 2023 med ett event om Framtidens Textilproduktion och vad slow vs. fast fashion innebär. Samtidigt öppnar vi upp för anmälningar till NESTs bootcamp – för dig som vill utveckla din affärsidé tillsammans med oss.

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Anneli Xie

"We want to understand the textile industry's challenges within research"

How do we make the fashion industry more sustainable? In the fashion industry, finding holistic solutions in collaborations across borders might be the missing key. We visit Selma Maric and Kim Nygård at MAX IV to hear more about textile research.

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RecoMended vinnare av NEST-pitchtävling och TEKOs stipendium

Vinnare av NEST-pitchtävling och TEKOs stipendium på 75.000:- blev startupbolaget RecoMended som erbjuder automatiserade och skalbara textila reparationslösningar.

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