Jonathan Wintoft

Meet our DJ: Elin Beckman

Crossing borders and breaking the glass ceiling; on May 19th, we bring you Elin Beckman, DJ Extraordinaire! Read more about Elin Beckman; and most importantly – get ready to get grooving.
For almost ten years, Elin Beckman has been spinning records at a range of student societies, night clubs, festivals, and other venues around Sweden, being in the line-up at festivals such as Way Out West, HX and Big Slap Festival.
I’ve always had a big passion for electronic music, so about 10 years ago I decided that I had to learn how to DJ. I bought the cheapest controller on the market and started to practice at home.

A year later she got her first gig at a private party, as well as becoming the resident DJ at a student society called Östgöta Nation.

Elin Beckman during Big Slap 2017

“I always play electronic music. But other than that I can only describe it as a mix of different types of house, nu-disco, and sometimes more upbeat techno or drum and bass,” Beckman explains.

Apart from DJ:ing Elin has been running a successful club concept called Kulturklubben. Together with her friends, Kulturklubben focuses on the electronic underground genre, such as deep house and techno. But that’s not all; Beckman does all of this while working full time as a Digital Channels Editor in the marketing department at Axis Communications in Lund.

When first starting out in the industry, many people reacted to the fact that she is a woman. Even though the business has been very male-dominated, and still is, there are tons of talented women out there that are extremely skilled and play great music.

“At my gigs nowadays, I feel like people aren’t as surprised to see a female DJ as they used to. It makes me really happy,” Beckman says. “But although the scenery has certainly shifted throughout my ten years of DJ’ing, the journey is far from over.”

In fact, Beckman is not at all unfamiliar with comments such as: “oh, you play really well for a woman” or “I can see that you are playing for real and not cheating - that’s uncommon for female DJs.” 

“I really think it’s up to the bookers and the business itself to get a hold of these amazing female DJs. Being a woman in this business can be really tough, but it could also be a blessing, now that bookers seem to be more eager to book female artists,” she says.
On the 19th of May Elin will join us to deliver a digital live set containing groovy lounge tunes, happy nu-disco and dance-friendly house. You can expect an energetic mix of different types of electronic beats with lots of synthesizers with rhythmic drums and a hint of nostalgia! Since 2021 Elin has also been a part of the DJ-duo Bækstein together with Julius Wiksten. You can listen to all of Elins latest mixes here.

Follow Elin on Facebook.

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Sign up for the event here - https://hopin.com/events/crossing-borders

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