Anneli Xie

Join us at The Buzz of Europe – a Day in the Spirit of Art, Culture, Science and Innovation!

Please join us on the 29th of April for an exploratory afternoon and get a taste of the great opportunities emerging out of meeting and collaborating with entrepreneurs, companies, institutions and cities!

Tomorrow, April 29th, 2022 at 1 – 5 PM, join us in Lund to talk about the Buzz of Europe – and why we see such large fundings and investments in R&D from the EU in the cultural & creative sectors & industries (CCSI).

CCSI is also the buzz of Lund University, that together with Friends are building a Knowledge Innovation Community. Being a comprehensive university with faculties in fine and performing arts, humanities and theology, economy and management, engineering and technology, law, medicine, science, and social sciences, we aim to contribute to the transformation of society by giving space to interaction between disciplines and friends.

The event is organized by the Collaboration Office at Lund University together with partners within the community Creatives and Friends.

We welcome everyone that would like to be part of our community Creatives & Friends, companies, entrepreneurs and artists, researchers and universities, cities and regions, politicians and officials.

The event will be livestreamed and will go live through this link on April 29, 1 PM CET.



To all our guests in the audience – please be on time as the live streaming will start at 13.00, sharp.

13.00, Welcome - Erik Renström, Vice Chancellor Lund University

  • The potential of the Cultural and Creative Sectors and Industries - David Polfeldt, 20+ years of experience from video games and entertainment industry. Strategic advisor at Massive Entertainment & Ubisoft. Author of “The Dream Architects” and member of Lund University Cultural Council
  • Introducing the afternoon - Anna Lyrevik, Advisor to the Vice-Chancellor on Arts and Culture, Chair of Lund University CCSI KIC steering committee


Session #1: The Buzz of Europe
  • Why do we see such large investments and funding of the CCSI from the EU? - Lisa Lang, Director Policy & EU Affairs Orchestrator EIT Climate KIC. Forbes Top 50 Women in Tech. Innovation & Skills Expert, and CCSI Advocate, Brussels/Belgium
  • The Buzz of Lund University - The cultural strategy of Lund University and the engagement in the CCSI-KIC across the comprehensive university – Kristina Eneroth, Pro Vice Chancellor for Collaboration at Lund University, and - Ann-Kristin Wallengren, Pro Vice-Chancellor for Education and Culture at Lund University, Sweden
Session #2: Existential sustainability – a vision for Creatives & Friends
  • Why existential sustainability, how can it become a leading star for collaborations within the community Creatives and Friends? – Birgitta Persson, CCSI KIC coordinator Future By Lund. 25 years’ experience building successful international collaboration and partnership within the cultural sector

Talks with:
Marcin Poprawski, Senior lecturer HUMAK University of Applied Sciences, Finland/Poland
Lovisa Nyman, Researcher in systematic theology at Center for Theology and Religious Studies Lund University, Sweden
Christian Skovbjerg Jensen, director Inter Arts Center Lund University, Sweden
Morten Kjaerum, Director Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law, Sweden


Session #3: Connecting and developing a mature innovation ecosystem to fit the CCSI
  • An innovation ecosystem for the CCSI – Why do we not have this already? How do we get it? What is important? – Charlotte Lorentz Hjorth, Lund University Collaboration Office, Sweden. 20+ years of building innovation ecosystems to support start-ups and innovators.

Talks with:

Katarina Scott, project leader and coordinator at the Innovation platform Future by Lund, Sweden.
Emilie Johansson, Manager at SITE Production House & Incubator for Performing Arts, Board member CreARTive, Sweden

  • Capital attracts capital – How do we develop capacity to attract funding and investments in an ecosystem for the CCSI?

Talks with:
Björn Englund, CEO of the investment company “I Love Lund”, Sweden
Lisa Thelin, Head of Collaboration Office Lund University, Sweden

15.00, Swedish fika

Session #4: Cross-innovation-areas where the CCSI is driving change

with Jenny Kornmacher, Developer of cultural and creative industries & international relations Region Skåne's Office for Culture. Experience from managing a cross-innovation platform for the CCI in Hamburg, Germany.

Short presentations from the cross-innovation areas:

Humanity & Nature – Anna-Karin Poussart, Lund Municipality, Sweden

Archaeology meets new technology - Nicolo Dell’Unto, Department of Archaeology and Ancient History, DARKLab Lund University, Sweden

The kitchen as the family’s makers space for sustainable and creative living – Anna Persson, Division of Industrial Design, Lund University, Sweden.

Professions Defending Democracy – Mia-Marie Hammarlin, Department of Communication and Media at Lund University, Sweden

Session #5: Transforming the fashion industry with new business opportunities - Fredrik Timour, Fashion Innovation Centre, Europe.

Talks with:
Muchaneta Kapfunde, founder FashNerd, one of the fastest growing digital magazines writing about fashion technology, London/UK
Klas Hjort, Associate Professor, Packaging Logistics, Department of Design Sciences, Faculty of Engineering, Lund University, Sweden
Lisa Lang – High-Level Expert Adviser Creative Industries European Commission, Brussels/Belgium

Session #6: Summing up the day
17.00, Cocktail mingle


The event will be live streamed. The link above will be activated when the event starts on Friday.


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Anneli Xie

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