Lars Mattiasson

Creative Business Cup Global Finals in Copenhagen July 1-2.

Creative Business Cup National Competitions are organized in more than 70 countries, sending winners annually to the Global Finals in Copenhagen. ​

The global initiative for entrepreneurship and innovation

Creative Business Cup National Competitions are organized in more than 70 countries, sending winners annually to the Global Finals in Copenhagen. ​
The event empowers entrepreneurs in the creative industries, connects them to investors and global markets and strengthens their innovative capabilities to the benefit of industry and society. Creative Business Cup Global Finals 2019 will be held on 1-2 July in Copenhagen.

Why entrepreneurs from the creative industries?

Worldwide, the creative industries contribute significantly to growth and jobs – and to the development of new, innovative solutions to the challenges that companies and societies face. Also, traditional industries become more innovative and competitive when collaborating with creative companies or “creatives”, called cross sector innovation. The creative industries contribute to a more dynamic, competitive and innovative society in many ways.

The road from being an entrepreneur to become a growing company is more challenging in the creative industries than for entrepreneurs in any other sectors. All entrepreneurs face challenges in business development, internationalisation and access to finance, but for entrepreneurs from the creative industries, the obstacles for growth are greater. For example, creative entrepreneurs are often perceived as a more risky investment. However, studies on insolvencies have proven otherwise where creative companies do better even in times of crisis. The possibilities for growth, jobs and innovation in the creative industries have just not been realised…yet.
Click here to read more about the event.

What about the prizes?

The winners of Creative Business Cup Global Finals 2019 stand to win cash prizes as well as the title of ‘the world’s best creative startup’.

First place: EUR 7,000
Second place: EUR 3,500
Third place: EUR 1,500


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